
Cool ideas for your next Halloween party

Wednesday 4th September, 2019

There's a chill in the air, the trees are bare and things are starting to feel a bit spooky. That can only mean one thing - Halloween! Summer's officially over, and it's time to mark the occasion of a new spooky season. And what's spookier than a Halloween party?

Why do we celebrate Halloween?

The celebration of Halloween dates back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. The festival marked the occasion of summer coming to an end, welcoming in the darkness and coldness of winter. The night of October 31st was sacred to the Celts as they believed that every year, on this night, the ghosts of the dead returned to Earth.

If you plan on throwing a party this year - with or without the ghoulish attendees - these special touches will make sure yours is the one people are talking about for years to come.

Halloween Essential Oils

It's all well and good looking the part, but what about smelling the part? Apples, spices - that's what the autumn months are all about, and you want your guests to feel the Halloween vibes as soon as they walk through your front door.

Just a few drops of essential oils can do the tick - they are powerful enough to waft their delicious scents through a whole room. So why not light some spooky candles and burn some? Another alternative is to diffuse them.

As for scents, you could try orange, cinnamon, cardamom or frankincense - individually or mixed as a blend for a spicy, autumn scent that's out of this world.


No Halloween would be complete without our big orange friends with scary faces carved into them. Of course, you'll want a few of those outside the house for good measure, but pumpkins can be so much more than your standard Halloween décor.

Carve the top off, clean out the inside and you have a perfect Halloween punch bowl. It can also serve as a cool snack jar. Pumpkins also make for great party activities. Throw a pumpkin carving competition in the garden or forge a makeshift pumpkin bowling alley!

And if you've got any leftover the next day - you can make soup!

Creepy food and drinks

What's a Halloween party without some freaky food and devilish drinks? Impress your guests with some terrifying treats. No time for baking? No worries! Supermarkets are overrun with Halloween-themed snacks around this time of year. Be sure to grab some Halloween cupcakes or cookies.

You can also add little touches to your cocktails and drinks, like dry ice stirrers to give off a smoky effect with every sip. And you could also pick up some scary cups or glasses and straws. It's these small touches that your guests will love and appreciate.


Your Halloween décor is going to play a huge part in how impressed people are with your party this year. You'll need lots of rubber spiders, fake cobwebs and creepy candles. If you want to go all out, a smoke machine will make your house look super scary and you can snap one up for a relatively cheap price. Also, be sure to grab some horror films you can have playing in the background on TV (with the sound off!).

Gifts to bring to a Halloween party

Attending someone else's party? If you want to bring a little present for the host, a bottle of something spiced would be perfectly on-theme and of course, go down a treat with the guests - should the host be feeling generous! You could also gift them with some baked spooky treats or a specially-carved pumpkin.

So now you've got your party items sorted, it's time to start planning your costume! What will you be dressing up as this year?

Happy Halloween!

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