
It's the little things in life that make you smile

Thursday 12th September, 2024

The sun beams down hot enchanting rays of golden heat onto my slightly browning skin. A faint breeze sweeps through the air, causing the strands of my ponytail to blow slightly every few seconds. The smell of sizzling meat and veggies adds to the pollen and freshly cut grass aroma of the outdoors. My friends, it is British summertime. I am sitting writing this post basking in the sunshine (whilst it's available) with an Aperol spritz in hand, enjoying every moment. These sunny days in Blighty are sadly fleeting, but that makes me smile and appreciate them more. This precious moment did get me thinking though, what other little things in life make you smile? And is it those small fleeting moments that truly create life's beauty?

Think about it. Think about the last little thing that made you smile. This could be anything from a gorgeous sunny day to cuddling up with your spouse and hot chocolate in front of a crackling fireplace. We often get so wrapped up in large goals or large life events, like holidays and marriage, that we forget how happy the smallest moments make us. They give us a smile to look back on and that warm gooey feeling inside, like chocolate chip cookie batter cuddling your heart.

For me personally, the little moments that make me smile are when my friends make me laugh. When I meet someone new we talk about everything and nothing. That first crunch of autumn leaves under my boots. And I can not forget that first icy breath in the winter when I step outside all wrapped up in my gloves and scarf. That moment becomes even more special as it goes hand in hand with that warm cosy feeling you get when you get back home and the warmth just engulfs you, like a warm hug. All of these things make me smile, but sadly they are often overlooked in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of life. There seems to be so much pressure to be doing something. Why can't we just do the little things and be happy with them?

My challenge to you is to think about it. When was the last time something small made you smile, or made your heart feel with joy? Then when you remember it sit with it for a while and enjoy and appreciate the feeling, as you truly deserve to. My next challenge is as you go through life begin to recognise and magnify these small moments. They deserve to be recognised as they contribute to your happiness and every smile is a smile no matter the cause.

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