
What to buy for a stay-at-home mum

Wednesday 7th August, 2024

A lot of women (and men, and non-binary people) grow up dreaming of having kids. It is their main fantasy, their life's purpose, the reason they look for a partner. I was never one of those people. I never *hated* kids as such (well, not all of them), I just never saw what the big deal was. When I found myself single when I was closer to 40 than 30, I figured that I would not have children and that was fine.

Then I went for an innocent night out with a friend and ended up meeting the man who ruined it all by changing my mind about my breeding status. Don't worry, this will not be a soppy love story post. He was very drunk and tried to impress me by dancing to "Walk the Dinosaur", which apparently worked because here we are nearly 9 years later with 2 kids and 2 cats.

Anyway, I had a job and my own house and certainly was not expecting to ever end up becoming a stay-at-home mum. I won't bore you with the details, but basically childcare is scarce in my village and was too difficult to work around school hours, my job couldn't be done part-time, and my partner suggested that I could quit my job. I may not have dreamed of children, but not having to get up and go to work every day had been a life-long ambition, so I jumped at the chance.

Prior to this complete change of lifestyle, I was used to asking for gifts that fitted around the life of an office professional. Nice shoes, vodka, makeup, Champagne, handbags, gin and fancy pens. Now when people ask me what I want for my birthday / Christmas as a stay-at-home mum, my answers are somewhat changed.

Know your audience

There are stay-at-home mums that choose to make being a mum their whole identity, some that feel forced into making it their whole identity, and some who manage to separate the "mum" from the "me". The type of gift that you choose should be suitable for how she sees herself. Personally, I love getting gifts that are for me, but I also do like to receive some gifts that can be shared with my family.

With that in mind I have split my gift suggestions into categories.

NEVER buy an experience that requires her to have childcare without either offering or arranging a babysitter. Obviously, you need to know the kids well for this. I may be desperate for child-free time but I am not handing my babies over to my partner's auntie who I have never met but felt obliged to get me something.

Time Off

I used to laugh at people who compared being a stay-at-home mum to having a full-time job. Sitting in the house all day, watching TV, maybe doing a bit of dusting? How could anyone complain about that?? Now that I am living that dream, I realise that I was right: it is nothing like when I had a full-time job. It is several part-time careers (none of which I would have personally chosen) rolled into one. Only I don't get any time off, because even when children are sleeping, I still have to be aware of them, and I need to get some of my non-child centred jobs done. I'm a childminder, a cleaner, a cook, a personal assistant, a party-planner, a hairstylist, a chauffeur, laundry attendant…you get the idea.

You can buy something fun for her to do outside the home (without kids).

With all of these options, depending on what the recipient likes and your relationship with them, you can get these gifts just for mum to go on her own, or you can go with her. I mentioned babysitting, right? Right? Make an agreement with dad or someone else that can look after the kids if you are going with her.

Sentimental Child-Related Gifts

As with all generic "what to get for someone" blog posts, you do need to apply a bit of thought to the situation. Some people don't want a gift that is meant to be for them but still relates to their child. However, even the most un-mumsy mums can have our hearts melted by a thoughtful gift relating to our babies.

These kinds of gifts are best to come from close family, or can be good ideas if you are a grown-up buying on behalf of a young child.

Hobby-Related Gifts

This one could be a sore spot so tread carefully. I personally love receiving craft goodies even if they may be destined for my cupboard of broken dreams (see my previous blog post!) However, for some mums they may just be a reminder of what little me-time they get, or even a hint that they are not doing anything productive with all that spare time you think they have.


I know that a lot of people see vouchers as a cop-out, but they definitely have their place when you are not sure what to get for someone. Obviously, it is best that you go for vouchers for a shop that you know they like, but if you don't know what that is then here are some general tips.

Family Gifts

If you are buying for the whole family, it can be a good idea to buy a shared gift rather than individual gifts.

I hope that this has given you some inspiration for what to buy for a stay-at-home mum. If you are still stuck, then of course you should direct her to ThingsToGetMe and ask her to write a list. Send her this post too. I personally am so completely unused to thinking about what I want that it can be an impossible question to answer!

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